Hello Everybody and welcome to The Ginger Journals! My name is Renee Craig and I am a ginger…you know red hair, freckles, will steal your soul…just kidding about the steal your soul part! I live in Jackson, Mississippi and I am a Radiation Therapist by day. I get to help patients with cancer and I absolutely love what I do!! I also have a huge passion for traveling! If I am not planning my next trip, I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing with my life! I am an avid movie quoter, love drinking wine, animal lover, and scuba diver. I am married to the most amazing man Josh Craig who happens to be a ginger as well…I know what you’re thinking when two gingers get together tempers will flare! And boy can they! We got married in 2012 and for our one year anniversary he surprised me with a 15 day cruise to Hawaii! Right!?! Well, he created a monster because I became hooked, and we have been traveling together ever since trying to go to as many places as we can every year! We have 3 fur babies… our dogs Dayzee, Lucy, and Gracie Lou Freebush. I wanted to start this blog to share our travels and all things travel related, inspire people to get out there and explore the world, even if they are just short weekend trips, and help people along the way!